Source code for

__author__ = "Simon Andermatt, Simon Pezold"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2017 Simon Andermatt"

import copy
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import numpy as np
from mdgru.helper import argget, compile_arguments, generate_defaults_info

[docs]class DataCollection(object): '''Abstract class for all data handling classes. ''' _defaults = {'seed': {'help': 'Seed to be used for deterministic random sampling, given no threading is used', 'value': 1234}, 'nclasses': None, } def __init__(self, kw): self.origargs = copy.copy(kw) data_kw, kw = compile_arguments(DataCollection, kw, transitive=False) for k, v in data_kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.randomstate = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
[docs] def set_states(self, state): ''' reset random state generators given the states in "states" Parameters ---------- states: object Random generator state ''' if state is None: logging.getLogger('eval').warning('could not reproduce state, setting unreproducable random seed') self.randomstate.set_seed(np.random.randint(0, 1000000)) self.randomstate.set_state(state)
[docs] def get_states(self): ''' Get states of this data collection''' return self.randomstate.get_state()
[docs] def reset_seed(self, seed=12345678): ''' reset main random number generator with given seed ''' self.randomstate = np.random.RandomState(seed)
[docs] def random_sample(self, **kw): '''Randomly samples from our dataset. If the implementation knows different datasets, the dataset string can be used to choose one, if not, it will be ignored. Parameters ---------- \*\*kw: keyword args batch_size can be set, amongst other parameters. See implementing methods for more detail. Returns ------- array A random sample of length batch_size. ''' raise Exception("random_sample not implemented in {}" .format(self.__class__))
[docs] def get_shape(self): raise Exception("needs to be implemented. should return batch shape" + "with batch size set to None")
[docs] def get_data_dims(self): '''Returns the dimensionality of the whole collection (even if samples are returned/computed on the fly, the theoretical size is returned). Has between two and three entries (Depending on the type of data. A dataset with sequence of vectors has 3, a dataset with sequences of indices has two, etc) Returns ------- list A shape array of the dimensionality of the data. ''' raise Exception("get_data_dims not implemented in {}" .format(self.__class__))
[docs] def _one_hot_vectorize(self, indexlabels, nclasses=None, zero_out_label=None): ''' simplified onehotlabels method. we discourage using interpolated labels anyways, hence this only allows integer values in indexlabels Parameters ---------- indexlabels : ndarray array containing labels or indices for each class, starting at 0 until nclasses-1 nclasses : int number of classes zero_out_label : int label to assign probability of zero for the whole probability distribution Returns ------- ndarray Probabilitydistributions per pixel where at position indexlabels the value is set to 1, otherwise to 0 ''' if nclasses is None: nclasses = self.nclasses # we reshape it into dims*classes, onehotvectorize it, and shape it back: lshape = indexlabels.shape lsprod = l = np.zeros([lsprod, nclasses], dtype=np.int32) indexlabels = indexlabels.flatten() # print(l.shape) # print(np.max(indexlabels)) # print(lshape) l[np.arange(0, lsprod, dtype=np.int32), indexlabels] = 1 if zero_out_label is not None: l[:, zero_out_label] = 0 # go back to shape from before. l = l.reshape(list(lshape) + [nclasses]) return l
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_tps(folder, featurefiles, maskfiles): ''' computes list of all folders that are subfolders of folder and contain all provided featurefiles and maskfiles. Parameters ---------- folder: str location at which timepoints are searched featurefiles: list of str necessary featurefiles to be contained in a timepoint maskfiles: list of str necessary maskfiles to be contained in a timepoint Returns ------- sorted list valid timepoints in string format ''' comm = "find '" + os.path.join(folder, '') + "' -type d -exec test -e {}/" + featurefiles[0] for i in featurefiles[1:]: comm += " -a -e {}/" + i for i in maskfiles: comm += " -a -e {}/" + i comm += " \\; -print\n" res, err = subprocess.Popen(comm, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate() # print(comm) if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): # Python 3 code in this block return sorted([str(r, 'utf-8') for r in res.split() if r]) else: # Python 2 code in this block return sorted([str(r) for r in res.split() if r])