Model (Tensorflow backend)

These are optional controllable parameters for the CGRUnits inside a MDGRU block.

periodic convolution on input x (dtype=bool)

--periodic_convolution_x False

periodic convolution on input h (dtype=bool)

--periodic_convolution_h False

use Bernoulli distribution (insted of Gaussian) for dropconnect (dtype=bool)

--use_bernoulli False

stride (dtype=int)

--strides None

use dropconnect on input x (dtype=bool)

--use_dropconnect_x True

use dropconnect on input h (dtype=bool)

--use_dropconnect_h True

don’t use average pooling (dtype=bool)

--no_avg_pooling True

filter size for input x (dtype=int)

--filter_size_x 7

filter size for input h (dtype=int)

--filter_size_h 7

use static RNN (dtype=bool)

--use_static_rnn False

add batch normalization at the input x in gate (dtype=bool)

--add_x_bn False

add batch normalization at the input h in candidate (dtype=bool)

--add_h_bn False

add batch normalization at the candidates input and state (dtype=bool)

--add_e_bn False

add residual learning to the input x of each cgru (dtype=bool)

--resgrux False

add residual learning to the input h of each cgru (dtype=bool)

--resgruh False

move the reset gate to the location the original GRU applies it at (dtype=bool)

--put_r_back False

apply dropconnect on the candidate weights as well (dtype=bool)

--use_dropconnect_on_state False


Module contents